Accordia Research Papers 5 (1994)
Tagliacozzo, A. Economic changes between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic in the Grotta dell'Uzzo (Sicily, Italy), 7-38.
Pluciennik, M. Space, time and caves: art in the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic of southern Italy, 39-72.
Maggi, R., Campana, N., Negrino, F. & Ottomano, C. The quarrying and workshop site of Valle Lagorara (Liguria - Italy), 73-96.
Christie, N. From bones to homes: looking for the Longobards, 97-114.
De Guio, A., Whitehouse, R. & Wilkins, J. (with contributions by F. Airundo, M. Bagolan, C. Balista, F. Cafiero, G. Cantele, G. De Caro, E. Herring, C. Howard Davis, P. Howard, M. Luciani, A. Malgarise & A. Muggia). Alto-Medio Polesine - Basso Veronese project: fifth report, 115-136.
Skeates, R. & Whitehouse, R. New radiocarbon dates for prehistoric Italy, 137.