Specialist Studies on Italy
The series Specialist Studies on Italy publishes work on all aspects of early Italy. It includes a wide range of publication, including excavation and fieldwork reports, monographs, and collections of seminar and conference papers. We welcome proposals for new additions to this series. If you have a book proposal you would like us to consider, or would like further information about publishing with Accordia, please contact a member of the Editorial Committee.
For a pricelist and details of how to purchase books in this series, please see our page on How to Order.

Sue Hamilton & Ruth Whitehouse, 2020.
Neolithic Spaces: Social and Sensory Landscapes of the First Farmers of Italy
Specialist Studies on Italy 19.1
ISBN 978-1-873415-412

Sue Hamilton & Ruth Whitehouse.
Mike Seager Thomas, 2020.
Neolithic Spaces: The Bradford Archive of Aerial Photographs
Specialist Studies on Italy 19.2
ISBN 978-1-873415-429
Ruth Whitehouse (ed.), 2020.
Etruscan Literacy in its Social Context
Specialist Studies on Italy 18
ISBN 978-1-873415-375
Mark Pearce, 2013.
Rethinking the North Italian Early Neolithic
Specialist Studies on Italy 17
ISBN 978-1873415443
Helen L. Loney, 2013.
Social Change snd Technology in Prehistoric Italy
Specialist Studies on Italy 16
ISBN 978-1873415399
Robert Leighton, 2012.
Prehistoric Houses at Morgantina. Excavations on the Cittadella of Morgantina in Sicily 1989-2004
Specialist Studies on Italy 15
ISBN 978-1873415368
Mark Pearce, 2007.
Bright Blades & Red Metal. Essays on north Italian prehistoric metalwork
Specialist Studies on Italy 14
ISBN 978-1873415334
Matthew Fitzjohn (ed.), 2007.
Uplands of Ancient Sicily and Calabria. The archaeology of landscape revisited
Specialist Studies on Italy 13
ISBN 978-1873415320
Marina Ciaraldi, 2007.
People and plants in ancient Pompeii: a new approach to urbanism from the microscope room. The use of plant resources at Pompeii and in the Pompeian area from the 6th century BC to AD 79
Specialist Studies on Italy 12
ISBN 978-1873415303
Marianne Kleibrink, 2006.
Oenotrians near Sybaris: native proto-urban centralised settlement. A preliminary report on the excavation of two timber buildings on the Timpone della Motta, Francavilla Marittima
Specialist Studies on Italy 11 (produced in association with the University of Groningen)
ISBN 1873415273
Edward Herring and Kathryn Lomas (eds), 2000.
The Emergence of state identities in Italy in the first millennium BC
Specialist Studies on Italy 8
ISBN 1873415222
Ross Balzaretti, Mark Pearce & Charles Watkins (eds), 2004.
Ligurian Landscapes: Studies in archaeology, geography and history in memory of Edoardo Grendi
(Joint publication with the University of Genoa) Specialist Studies on Italy 10
ISBN 1873415281
Ruth D. Whitehouse (ed.), 1997.
Gender and Italian Archaeology
Specialist Studies on Italy 7
ISBN 1873415184
Ruth D. Whitehouse, John B. Wilkins and Edward Herring, 2000.
Botromagno: excavation and survey in Gravina in Puglia, 1979-1985
Specialist Studies on Italy 9
ISBN 1873415230
Tim Cornell and Kathryn Lomas (eds), 1997.
Gender and Ethnicity in ancient Italy
Specialist Studies on Italy 6
ISBN 1873415141
Robert Leighton, 1995.
Early societies in Sicily. New developments in archaeological research [Out of Print]
Specialist Studies on Italy 5
ISBN 1873415133
Robin Skeates and Ruth Whitehouse
(eds), 1994.
Radiocarbon dating and Italian prehistory
Specialist Studies on Italy 3
(Joint publication with the British School at Rome)
ISBN 1873415117
G. Schneider-Herrmann
(edited by Edward Herring), 1996
The Samnites of the Fourth Century BC as depicted on Campanian vases and in other sources
Specialist Studies on Italy 2 (Joint publication with the Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London)
ISBN 0900587644

Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1992.
Underground Religion. Cult and Culture in prehistoric Italy
Specialist Studies on Italy 1
ISBN 1873415079